
Another DOT shutdown but still no..carhauler

DOT Orders Demco Express to Shut Down -

It says a lot about the carhauler and autohauler industry that not one autotransport company
has been shut down. So far the shutdowns, as you will see in the linked article have been:
Carhauler for Sale

  1.  confined to general trucking companies
  2. companies with huge outrageous violations

Most carhaulers are very experienced and run their operations cleanly. So far so good...
 DOT Orders Demco Express to Shut Down -


4car or 4 pack for sale
Great Selection of 4 Pack, 4 Pack Car Carriers, 4 Pack Carhaulers, And 4 Pack Autotransports 


Wage Increases For Carhaulers In The Future?

The inevitable has hit. I read in Transport Topics that 5 carriers are already talking about increasing wages. Hopefully this trend will spill over to Carhauler Fleets and Carhauler owner operators. The reasons are simple

  • too few drivers
  • too many requirements to be a driver
  • too much time away from home 
I bet this trend will continue since no one is doing anything to try to increase the driver pool. The question is, at what point will goods become so expensive due to market demand for drivers?


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How will it impact Carhaulers? New Jersey Congressmen Call for Suspension in Toll Hikes -

I cannot even imagine what this is going to mean for carhaulers going in and out of the Northeast corridor. When you think of all the costs a carhauler already bears, adding $50 or $100 may make it an unprofitable for any carhauler traveling in this region. This might seem like a harsh conclusion, but the cost structure for any transportation professional is already under a lot of strain with expensive fuel and a weakened economy.

New Jersey Congressmen Call for Suspension in Toll Hikes -


Excellent Selection of Carhaulers / Cottrell Trailers
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